Our Mission & Model
Since 1998, the mission of SFM is to be the preeminent model of facility management and maintenance for schools, churches, and other non-profits. To achieve this, our undeterred vision is to excel in the areas of:
- Customer Service
- Knowledgeable Solutions & Advice
- Effective Results and Efficient Means
- Meaningful, Challenging and Sustainable Careers for our Employees
The SFM Model sets us apart. In a unique and elegant blend of in-house and outsource services, SFM provides labor and material in a completely transparent, cost-plus model. In SFM's True, Cost plus model…
- The client establishes the budget
- SFM employees deliver budgeted services
- The client establishes the pay rate and hours of each SFM employee who is dedicated to their organization.
- SFM manages all building services...but any service provided by other contractors, client employees, or client volunteers are not marked-up
- SFM manages all building purchases (supplies and materials)...but material purchases are also not subjected to mark-up

Meaningful, Challenging, & Sustainable Careers
Our clients are mission driven organizations. While the services our people provide are extremely important, they are not providing mission-critical services. We are not the leaders or the teachers or the ministers of the organization. Our client's human resource function supports the careers and professional development of their respective mission-critical employees. But that same structure can have an in-efficient, mis-directed and in-effective, impact on careers of the facility services staff. It is one of the pillars of our mission that we provide meaningful, challenging and sustainable careers for the facility professional. Which of our clients can say the same? None.
And they shouldn’t. We are mission driven to this end, and the structures we have in place support this mission.